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What is a Last Will?

This is a legal document that takes effect upon death and is used as an instrument to direct the disposition of your property upon death. A Will also serves the critical function of naming guardians for your minor children. In California, wills trigger probate unless the gross value of your "estate" is less than $184,500.00. When used in conjunction with a living trust, a will (then known as a "pour over will") serves to leave assets not otherwise titled in your trust to your trust to determine the disposition of your property upon death.

What if I fail to amend my Will after I have another child, get married or divorced?

A California Probate Court may decide guardianship of your new child. If you get married, the California Probate Code would likely modify your plan of distribution to account for the community property rights of your spouse. It is critical that your Will is updated to reflect the changes in your life. Otherwise, your wishes may not be followed.

Can my Will be contested?

There is no key required to gain access to the courthouse. In today's litigious society, there is absolutely no guarantee that your Will or any other estate planning document that you prepare will not be challenged. Your estate is liable for the legal expenses necessary to defend your Will. If you think it is a possibility that your Will may be contested, please let your attorney know. There are several defense mechanisms that can be added to your Will and other estate planning documents to eliminate or minimize this risk.

What happens if you die without a Will?

The Probate Court will decide who will administer your estate and who will become guardian of your minor children. The California Probate Code dictates who gets your money and your belongings. An inappropriate person may be appointed by the court to administer your estate. An inappropriate guardian may be appointed by the court. Children will receive their share when they become "adults", at the age of 18! The beneficiaries may not be those you would have selected if you had been prepared and had completed your own estate plan.

Is joint tenancy an acceptable substitution for a Will or a good way to avoid probate?

If a couple is married or part of a domestic partnership, holding assets in joint tenancy is acceptable, but far from ideal. Married couples living in a community property state (such as California) can obtain a "double step-up in basis" (HUGE Tax Benefit), but most people fail to take advantage of this tremendous tax benefit by keeping assets in joint tenancy. However, adding anyone else (besides your spouse or domestic partner) as a joint tenant can create other problems, such as: The new joint owner could misappropriate the asset. After all, you gave it to them. Did you file a ... Read More

What is the cost of Probate in California?

The cost of probate will take a large bite out of your estate. California Probate Code Section 10810 sets the maximum statutory fees that attorneys can charge for a probate. Higher fees can be ordered by a court for more complex cases. The fees are 4% of the first $100,000 of the estate, 3% of the next $100,000, 2% of the next $800,000, 1% of the next $9,000,000, and 0.5% of the next $15,000,000. For estates larger than $25,000,000, the court will use its discretion to determine the fee for the amount that is greater than $25,000,000. The fees listed ... Read More

Is a Living Trust right for my family and I?

Following are the benefits of a Living Trust. A Living Trust: Avoids probate, thereby avoiding delay, expense and the public nature of this formal proceeding of the Superior Court. Avoids the need for a conservatorship if you become incompetent or incapacitated. Offers potential tax savings. Can continue for the benefit of: Your loved ones; Minor children and elderly dependent parents; and, Adult children with drug or alcohol problems, mental, physical, or educational special needs, or developmentally disadvantaged adult children on SSI.

What are the advantages of a Living Trust?

Summary of the advantages of a Living Trust Whether you are single, married, divorced, or widowed, if your assets exceed $184,500 (or any amount if real estate is involved), your heirs will be forced to experience probate unless you have established a Living Trust. Avoid the delays of up to two years or more for settling the estate. No 120-day waiting period for notice of creditors. No need to file petitions and reports to the probate court as with a Will. The Trust can enable your heirs' income to continue without interruption after your death. All property or income is ... Read More

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