comprehensive estate plan Articles

Maximizing Your Legacy: Going Beyond the Will for Effective Estate Planning

Estate planning is a topic often associated with drafting wills, but it's much more than that. While a will is a crucial element of any estate plan, it alone won't guarantee that your hard-earned assets go to your heirs as intended. In this blog post, Botti & Morison Estate Planning Attorneys, Ltd. will shed light on why relying solely on a will may leave your legacy vulnerable and why a comprehensive estate plan is essential for ensuring your assets are protected and distributed according to your wishes. Understanding the Limitations of Wills A will is undoubtedly a valuable document that ... Read More

Advance Dementia Directives – A Crucial Element in Estate Planning

In the realm of estate planning, it's essential to consider not only the distribution of assets but also the potential challenges that may arise in the later stages of life. One such challenge is dementia, a progressive condition that can significantly impact an individual's ability to make decisions. At Botti & Morison, we understand the importance of addressing these concerns proactively. We provide our clients with a cutting-edge, state-of-the-art Advance Dementia Directive in addition to an Advance Health Care Directive. They are two critical but separate and distinct custom-drafted legal documents. Our Advance Dementia Directive is a powerful tool that ... Read More

A Comprehensive Estate Plan Is Necessary to Make Sure Your Final Wishes Are Carried Out

To be sure your final end-of-life wishes are followed; you must prepare a comprehensive estate plan. Many put off making these plans thinking there is always time. The sad reality is that none of us are guaranteed time. Others may be bothered by the thought of death itself and allow this to paralyze them when it comes to making plans and getting their affairs in order for the end of life. However, most of these same people have wishes and thoughts about where and to whom their assets are distributed. Many of them also have ideas about what they do ... Read More

Assemble the Right Group of Professionals to Prepare a Comprehensive Estate Plan

As complex as estate planning can be, it is vital to gather the right professionals to give you the best advice when preparing your estate plan. Aside from an estate planning attorney, who often specializes in elder law, you may need the services of a certified public accountant (CPA) and possibly even an insurance specialist if you have a large estate or own a business. Some estates may be large enough even to require valuation experts and trust services. Your elder law estate planning attorney understands the array of qualified information needed to create a sound estate plan. Procrastination – ... Read More

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