living trust Articles

Understanding Trusts and Their Benefits to Vulnerable Seniors

The elderly are highly vulnerable to financial abuse and scams. Sadly, the elderly are often taken advantage of by strangers — and sometimes even their own family members. That’s why it’s important that planning is in place to help seniors protect themselves and their assets. As we age, it can become increasingly difficult to manage our assets. Most of us will, at some point, need assistance with these details to help ensure that our financial and other assets aren’t depleted. If you or an aging loved one are looking for ways to safeguard assets, a Trust is often the best ... Read More

Benefits vs Disadvantages of a Living Trust

Similar to a will, a living trust is a legal document that lets you distribute your possessions to people and organizations after you pass away. Unlike a will, though, assets held in living trusts do not have to go through an expensive court process such as probate before being distributed to your beneficiaries — the people you’ve named to receive your assets. It’s common for individuals to create a living trust so they can pass on their assets without court intervention. A living trust is often the preferred estate plan for many families in the state of California. If you’re ... Read More

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